Welcome to the Minty Girls!
Here is your step by step guide of the resources available to get you up and running fast!
Please study everything below to learn the important basics of our biz!
SEINT Basics
Stay Connected
The first place to find all your corporate resources, latest news, and pretty much every detail about the company: head to: www.seintgallery.com and get familiar with it!
Another place you will want to make sure you are always checking daily is the Seint Telegram Channel!
Click here to download the Telegram app, then Click here to join the Seint telegram, and stay in the know!
The Minty Girls also has a telegram with team specific training and resources,
Click here to join the Minty Girls Channel!
This is where all our communication happens! Turn notifications on!
Log into your back office and peek around!
Your website will be:
(your username).seintofficial.com
Log in with your info you input when you enrolled!
Ordering Product for yourself & others:
Ready to order product for yourself? Here is the BEST way, pay attention to this!
As artists, we get a 20% discount on makeup! However, I am going to show you have to get more of a discount, and earn FREE makeup every month!
Here's how:
1. Sign into your website. Click "Back Office", then--- "Manage Parties" then--- "Create New"
2. Name it "(Your name) (the month) Orders" **example: "Angelas Spring Orders"
No start or end date needed!
3. Make a party link! Save it to your notes in your phone so you have it handy!
This link acts as your "rewards" link for you to earn FREE makeup every single month. As artists, we can hold one party link every 30 days. This means, for every customer order, or your OWN orders, you can put them into this link which earns you free makeup! See photo below for the rewards breakdown.
If you want to order anything for yourself, I recommend doing it at full price in your party link, and you will get paid back 20%+ commission, plus earn FREE makeup! A win win!
Party Links do not have an expiration date! Close it and cash out on rewards whenever you want!
**NOTE: The max party rewards you can earn is $500 (US) / $633 (CA) which calculates to $2500+ (US) / $1330+(CA) total sales in a party link!
***Here is a breakdown of the rewards! Study this!
Color Matching:
Here is your Color Match Cheat Sheet! CLICK HERE!​ This will help you so much!
But don’t hesitate to get a second opinion from me!
Make yourself a "How to Take a Selfie" graphic with your own face.
You can make this in canva.com very easy! See an example HERE, you are welcome to copy it! We've learned that your customer are most likely to follow this instructions for a well lit selfie if it comes with YOUR face!
We want to keep your color match requests organized!
The last thing you want is to be mulling through messages, DMs, texts, emails, etc to find customers color match photos!
Make it easy by creating a color match form through google forms!
How to do that: CLICK HERE!
An example what to include: CLICK HERE
Let's put your links somewhere that makes sense!
It will be SO helpful to have your links in one spot, for yourself and your customers!
We love the website: https://milkshake.app
It lets you put your links in one spot, and looks SUPER profesh!!! YAY!
- Your ordering website (current active party link)
- Your color match form link
Ready to Launch!
First and most important thing! Just start sharing it! Today!
First! Make a list of 25 people
List 25 people that you know will love and rock this makeup! This list could also include people you think would be an amazing artist on your team!
Another option: Let's schedule your launch party!
Let your mentor know what date and time works! She will help you with this!
This will be a virtual party via facebook, so easy! (1 hour party) We will invite your list of 25 people.
NOTE: You’ll want to get real comfortable with throwing party’s for the first little while! It takes time to establish yourself in person or online so keep partying and keep searching for hostess’!
When you are ready to show the world your makeup, lighting is everything! The easiest light is going to be directly in front of a window! Please do not use bathroom yellow lighting to show the beauty of these products! We want the true colors of the makeup to show on your gorgeous face!!
If you are wanting to level up, invest in a ring light! Click here to see our favorite!
Once you get your kit: Get your hands on as MANY FACES as possible to color match! You friends, mom, sister, anyone to practice!! Use all the tools you learned in training!
Social Media:
Not big on social media? Don't sweat it! There are other avenues to utilize when it comes to a "selling" business, we just need to focus in on your connections!
Social media can be a great tool to "Social Sell"
The most effective way to show up on your social media is to be YOURSELF, be authentic, share personal experience, and that trust will fall right into place from your audience!
We have 10 ranks within our company, and we label them with Roman numerals!
Artist I , II , III , IV , V , VI , VII , VIII , IX , X
Time to Scout!
Grab a friend or 2 to join this journey with you! It's more fun with friends! Having a team (even a small team) is the best part about this job! All you need is 2 Artists to hit your next rank ARTIST III!
Why is 2 the magic number?!
Other Helpful Resources:
Jacob University: to take your biz to the next level in a fun way, my mentor Rachel Jacob (the top of our team) has an amazing website built out where you can earn cute pins for doing tasks that grow you biz! Register here and go at your own pace! www.jacobuniversity.com
The Seint App: make sure to download in the App Store for your phone and set to the home screen!
Recap To-Do List!
Let's get some action started!
Download the Telegram App, and follow the Seint and Minty Channels
Create a color match form using Google forms or something similar!
Make a color match selfie graphic in Canva
Explore your back office, and create a party link. Save this to your notes!
Make a Milkshake/linktree landing page for your links!
Start sharing NOW!